Thursday, February 9, 2012

Links of the Day

Feel good story gone very wrong: "Basically, she did everything wrong," Ron Berman, a canine behavior specialist, said. "She went up to a dog she didn't know--who didn't know her--and she either tried to kiss him or hug him or put her face too close to his face. He felt threatened and bit her."  I wonder if NBC will try to use this in their defence of a lawsuit that is surely coming their way.

Say it ain't so Tilted Kilt, I would never in a million years think you'd be sued for sexual harassment.  Everyone know that the girls working there are timid and shy creatures who dress like nuns and expect to be tipped and treated as such.

Setting a great precedent before the NATO and G-8 summits in Chicago this summer, the City has offered to settle a lawsuit with these 800 no-good bums for $6.2M.  They were doing something illegal and now the City is compensating them for it, sounds like justice.

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