Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Supporter's profile

You might be an Obama supporter if...

1. You are a Liberal Arts major (very likely to be a psychology or sociology student)

2. You took a an astronomy class in high school, and think that alone qualifies you to be an astronaut.

3. You have little to no understanding of Economics and don't really feel like that's worth your time, socialism really simplifies economic theory.

4. You don't let facts get in the way of your views.

5. You feel a strong need for social acceptance dating back to kindergarden when you were ostricised for being the fat kid that was always "it" in the game of tag.

6. You have a compulsive need for "change" although you aren't really sure what change is.

7. The mere mention of the name George W Bush causes hysterical deafness and violent seizures that render you temporarily deaf and permanently brain damaged.

8. You enjoy large crowds chanting a leader's name in unison. (Heil optional)

9. Your other home is in Pyonyang, Teheran, or the Gaza Strip.

10. Kumbaya is on your Ipod, and unicorns are in your stable.

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