Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why do Russian-Americans hate Obama

Within the Russian community the dislike for Obama is very strong, which is rather counter-intuitive since immigrant communities more often than not lean Democratic. One recent example of such sentiment was Jan Schakowsky, getting booed on a stage at the annual Russian picnic. The Russian community, and specifically Russian Jews have had experiences within their lives that have shaped their strong opposition to the Goldenchild.

First of all, it is my strong belief that the hardships of life in the Soviet Union has created a society of realists rather than idealists. Russian Jews want to hear answers rather than vague promises of hope, change, unicorns, kumbaya, and rainbows. So far (and this is unlikely to change) the Obama campaign has been built around vague policies and the notion of feeling good.
To Americans, perhaps this is a new concept and a change from politics as usual, but anyone who has lived in a socialist society can see these overtures for what they really are, empty promises. The Soviet government also talked about change, in fact they went one step better, they touted a world revolution of the proletariat. You see the working classes would seize power from the greedy rich people, and everyone would start living in a harmonious society. I mean who wouldn't want that? Every step of your life is planned out, you get to share your communal apartment with two or three of your favorite random families, and everyone will be on equal footing, with some being more equal than others. And while we try to get there, lets "Spread the wealth" as Goldenboy insists.

This brings me to the second point. Russian Jews don't like government handouts to the poor. Within only a few years after immigration, many Russian families are able to achieve a level of success not often parried by American families. If a Russian family can become successful after only a few years in a foreign country, why can't all Americans have the same level of success? Undoubtedly, most American have had many more opportunity to succeed yet they fail to do so? Perhaps in that case they don't deserve another opportunity.

Unlike other segments of the population, Russian Jews realize that certain people just leach off of society. In fact given the opportunity to enjoy a lifestyle of their choice at the government's expense, many Russians would probably do just that. This makes Russian uniquely equipped to sniff out slackers and leaches to society, and when they hear groveling to such segments of the population they can't help but be appalled.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wow Radio sucks

Ok so one of these recent evenings I was driving without any CDs in my car and had the misfortune of turning on the radio. I turned on 96.3 and 103.5 and after about 5 minutes wanted to kill someone. I especially hate Pink. This no-talent artist that miraculously manages to extend a five word lyric into a 5 minute song needs to be deported to an abandoned coal mine in Canada, or if that's not available, perhaps to North Korea, where she can be the muse of the Dear Leader. Maybe the US really should consider this as a legitimate strategy at dealing with DPRK, I mean if Kim Jung Ill is recovering from a stroke, perhaps 5 to 10 minutes of Pink's music can take him out his misery. In a way I guess it is inspiring that in today's society Pink did not let the lack of good looks or talent stand in the path of her success.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The last 8 years

I think it's funny how many people are so hostile towards Sarah Palin and how sexist the liberals really are. Granted, Palin's performance in the interviews has left something to be desired, but the truth of the matter is that Palin has more experience than Barack Obama. The media, SNL, and others are trying to show Palin to be just some dumb woman, and I don't really see how that's not offensive. Yet Goldenboy, is commended on his sexiness on shows like the View rather than asked about any tough issues.

I would really like to see a tough interview of Obama, I'd like to see him asked about Wright, Ayers, Rezko. I'd like him asked about the 57 states in the Union, his Muslim faith (his words not mine and being endorsed by Hamas. I would like him to name a single legislative accomplishment that he has achieved over the last 4 years, two of which were spent campaigning. I would like him to describe a single one of his programs in any detail, and I would like to know where he will find the money to fund it after the behemoth bailout that he has endorsed.

I'm tired that eloquence or rather ability to read off the teleprompter is somehow seen as a great qualification for our president. Of course, President Bush has done little to quench the thirst for fine oratory or wit, but ask yourself is your life really that much worse now than 8 years ago? Don't listen to the news, don't read any commentary, just think of your personal life, is your family better or worse than it was 8 years ago?

I remember when Bush was first elected, apocalypse was being predicted by the Democratic party. Celebrities threatened to move to Canada, and abortion right activists claimed the era of Roe vs. Wade was over. Yet nothing really changed. My family, and I would imagine most peoples' families are as prosperous as ever. Yes we are in Iraq, but really what percent of the population is actually effected by this? I would venture to say that out of families with active duty soldiers, most lean Republican anyway. Yes the economy is supposedly in bad shape, but how many people have felt the effects of it so far, I'm not seeing troves of newly homeless warming up by the fire in downtown Chicago, but maybe the four horseman of the apocalypse have been rendered invisible by the global warming related smog.

I'm not a fan of Bush, and I don't agree with everything on the Republican agenda, and I'm not a Republican.

I am for a strong America, I am for more individual freedom, and I am for reaping rewards for responsible behavior and suffering consequences for the lack thereof.